When handwriting merely transmits ideas, it is referred
to as penmanship. When handwriting transmits ideas and
inspires beauty, it is the Art of Calligraphy.
Sister Michaeline Lesiak, OSF
The Art of Fine Lettering |
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Happiness Is a Butterfly
Watercolor and Calligraphy 10" x 14" Serenity
Acrylic on Strathmore 500 11" x 15" Dragonfly on the River
Mixed media on mat board -Inside mat 4-1/2" x 6-1/2"-Framed 8"x 10"
Collection of C. Hoffmeyer
To Love Someone
Acrylic on Arches 140 CP 13" x 19" Climb the Mountain
Watercolor on Archer 140 CP 8" x 10"
Collection of D. Kleeberger The Lord Bless You
Acrylic on Bristol Vellum - Inside mat 6' x 9"- Framed 11"x 14"
The acrylic background was inspiried by a workshop with artist Teri Martin. The Copperplate calligraphy is done in gouache. The background for this artwork was created with silver foil covered with crushed tissue paper on which acrylic inks are mingled . When dry, the dragonfly was sketched with pen and black ink. A line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poem was hand lettered using a steel nib and purple acrylic ink. Acrylic spray fixes the pigments and enhances the shine of the foil throughout the piece.
The acrylic background for this piece was inspired by a workshop at the West Pasco Art Guild with artist Betty Welch, FWS.
I enjoy combining textured abstracts with my calligraphy. The watercolor background suggests Mt. Ranier and scenic views from Donna's memorable travels. One of her favorite quotes is overlaid in gouache. Copperplate calligraphy on acrylic "paste paper" background The background for this artwork is created with acrylic paint and inks using a technique known as "paste paper". Metallic gold acrylic enhances the background of this work. The calligraphy is done with black ink using steel nibs.
Happiness Is a Butterfly
Watercolor and Calligraphy 10" x 14"